1, SQL > select comments, action_time from sys.registry$history; COMMENTS ACTION_TIME -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSU 10-SEP-11 PM view recompilation 10-SEP-11 PM PSU 22-SEP-12 PM 2, $ opatch lsinventory -bugs_fixed | grep -i -E "(DATABASE PSU|DATABASE PATCH SET UPDATE)" 8833297 13621679 Sat Sep 22 22:52:48 EDT 2012 DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUOCT2009) 9209238 13621679 Sat Sep 22 22:52:48 EDT 2012 DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUJAN2010) 9352179 13621679 Sat Sep 22 22:52:48 EDT 2012 DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUAPR2010) 9654987 13621679 Sat Sep 22 22:52:48 EDT 2012 DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUJUL2010) 9952228 13621679 Sat Sep 22 22:52:48 EDT 2012 DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUOCT2010) 10248531 13621679 Sat Sep 22 22:52:48 EDT 2012 DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUJAN2011) 11724936 13621679 Sat Sep 22 22:52:48 EDT 2012 DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUAPR2011) 12419384 13621679 Sat Sep 22 22:52:48 EDT 2012 DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUJUL2011) 12827740 13621679 Sat Sep 22 22:52:48 EDT 2012 DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUOCT2011) 13343461 13621679 Sat Sep 22 22:52:48 EDT 2012 DATABASE PATCH SET UPDATE (INCLUDES 13621679 13621679 Sat Sep 22 22:52:48 EDT 2012 DATABASE PATCH SET UPDATE (INCLUDES
Friday, August 30, 2013
How to check database PSU version number
You can check database PSU version number using following 2 ways :
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Datapump export failed with ORA-01555 on table with LOB column.
Problem description: Datapump export failed with ORA-01555 on table with LOB column. and there is no LOB corruption. ORA-31693: Table data object "OWNER"."MY_LOB_TABLE" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error: ORA-02354: error in exporting/importing data ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 6 with name "_SYSSMU6_1307891672$" Cause: The LOB Retention is not defined properly. This is confirmed by the queries: SQL> show parameter undo; NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ undo_management string AUTO undo_retention integer 900 undo_tablespace string UNDOTBS1 SQL> select max(maxquerylen) from gv$undostat; MAX(MAXQUERYLEN) ---------------- 2279 SQL> select retention from dba_lobs where table_name='OWNER.MY_LOB_TABLE'; RETENTION ---------- 900 Solution: SQL> alter system set undo_retention = 2400 scope = BOTH; System altered. SQL> alter table OWNER.MY_LOB_TABLE modify lob(LOB_COLUMN) (pctversion 5); Table altered. SQL> alter table OWNER.MY_LOB_TABLE modify lob(LOB_COLUMN) (retention); Table altered. SQL> select retention from dba_lobs where table_name='OWNER.MY_LOB_TABLE'; RETENTION ---------- 2400
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
12C: Convert non-cdb into pdb and plug into cdb
1. After upgarde from to, database(TESTRAC) is NON-CDB: SQL> show parameter db_name; NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ db_name string TESTRAC SQL> select name, cdb from v$database; NAME CDB --------- --- TESTRAC NO SQL> show con_name; CON_NAME ------------------------------ Non Consolidated 2. Verify all datafile locations SQL> select name from v$datafile; NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +DATA/testrac/datafile/system.313.822996543 +DATA/testrac/datafile/sysaux.314.822996543 +DATA/testrac/datafile/undotbs1.315.822996543 +DATA/testrac/datafile/users.316.822996543 +DATA/testrac/datafile/example.327.822996619 +DATA/testrac/datafile/undotbs2.328.822996729 3.Shutdown and Open read only, generate XML pdb description file on source non-cdb(TESTRAC) srvctl stop database -d TESTRAC sqlplus "/as sysdba" SQL> startup mount; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1068937216 bytes Fixed Size 2296576 bytes Variable Size 968885504 bytes Database Buffers 92274688 bytes Redo Buffers 5480448 bytes Database mounted. SQL> alter database open read only; Database altered. SQL> exec dbms_pdb.describe(PDB_DESCR_FILE=>'/dba/testrac.xml'); ---> make sure created in shared directory PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 4.Shutdown the source non-CDB (TESTRAC) SQL> shutdown immediate; exit 5. Connect to target CDB(TEST1CDB) and check whether non-cdb (TESTRAC) can be plugged into it. SQL> select name, cdb from v$database; NAME CDB --------- --- TEST1CDB YES SQL> SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE compatible CONSTANT VARCHAR2(3) := CASE DBMS_PDB.CHECK_PLUG_COMPATIBILITY( pdb_descr_file => '/dba/testrac.xml', pdb_name => 'TESTRAC') WHEN TRUE THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(compatible); END; / NO 6. If the scripts returns NO, then check PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS view SQL> col cause for a10 SQL> col name for a10 SQL> col message for a35 word_wrapped SQL> select name,cause,type,message,status from PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS where name='TESTRAC'; NAME CAUSE TYPE MESSAGE STATUS ---------- ---------- --------- ----------------------------------- --------- TESTRAC OPTION WARNING Database option DV mismatch: PDB PENDING installed version NULL. CDB installed version TESTRAC OPTION WARNING Database option OLS mismatch: PDB PENDING installed version NULL. CDB installed version TESTRAC Non-CDB to WARNING PDB plugged in is a non-CDB, PENDING PDB requires noncdb_to_pdb.sql be run. NAME CAUSE TYPE MESSAGE STATUS ---------- ---------- --------- ----------------------------------- --------- TESTRAC Parameter WARNING CDB parameter memory_target PENDING mismatch: Previous 1073741824 Current 0 TESTRAC Parameter WARNING CDB parameter compatible mismatch: PENDING Previous Current There are WARNING’s only. We can continue. 7. Plug-in Non-CDB (TESTRAC) as PDB (TESTRAC) into CDB(TEST1CDB): SQL> CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE TESTRAC USING '/dba/testrac.xml' NOCOPY; Pluggable database created. 8. Check the newly create pdb(TESTRAC) SQL> select name, open_mode from v$pdbs; NAME OPEN_MODE ------------------------------ ---------- PDB$SEED READ ONLY TEST1PDB READ WRITE TESTRAC MOUNTED SQL> col pdb_name for a15 SQL> select pdb_name, status from dba_pdbs where pdb_name = 'TESTRAC'; PDB_NAME STATUS --------------- ------------- TESTRAC NEW SQL> alter session set container=TESTRAC; Session altered. SQL> show con_name; CON_NAME ------------------------------ TESTRAC SQL> show con_id; CON_ID ------------------------------ 4 SQL> select name from v$datafile; NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +DATA/TEST1CDB/DATAFILE/undotbs2.344.823881825 +DATA/testrac/datafile/system.313.822996543 +DATA/testrac/datafile/sysaux.314.822996543 +DATA/testrac/datafile/users.316.822996543 +DATA/testrac/datafile/example.327.822996619 9. Run the noncdb_to_pdb.sql script: SQL>@$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/noncdb_to_pdb.sql 10. Open PDB(TESTRAC) verify that warnings was resolved. SQL> alter session set container= CDB$ROOT; Session altered. SQL> col cause for a10 SQL> col name for a10 SQL> col message for a35 word_wrapped SQL> select name,cause,type,message,status from PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS where name='TESTRAC'; NAME CAUSE TYPE MESSAGE STATUS ---------- ---------- --------- ----------------------------------- --------- TESTRAC Parameter WARNING CDB parameter memory_target RESOLVED mismatch: Previous 1073741824 Current 0 TESTRAC Parameter WARNING CDB parameter compatible mismatch: RESOLVED Previous Current TESTRAC OPTION WARNING Database option DV mismatch: PDB PENDING installed version NULL. CDB installed version TESTRAC OPTION WARNING Database option OLS mismatch: PDB PENDING installed version NULL. CDB installed version TESTRAC Non-CDB to ERROR PDB plugged in is a non-CDB, PENDING PDB requires noncdb_to_pdb.sql be run. SQL> alter pluggable database TESTRAC open; Pluggable database altered. SQL> select pdb_name, status from dba_pdbs; PDB_NAME STATUS --------------- ------------- TEST1PDB NORMAL PDB$SEED NORMAL TESTRAC NORMAL 3 rows selected. SQL> col cause for a10 SQL> col name for a10 SQL> col message for a35 word_wrapped SQL> select name,cause,type,message,status from PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS where name='TESTRAC'; NAME CAUSE TYPE MESSAGE STATUS ---------- ---------- --------- ----------------------------------- --------- TESTRAC Parameter WARNING CDB parameter memory_target RESOLVED mismatch: Previous 1073741824 Current 0 TESTRAC Parameter WARNING CDB parameter compatible mismatch: RESOLVED Previous Current TESTRAC Non-CDB to ERROR PDB plugged in is a non-CDB, RESOLVED PDB requires noncdb_to_pdb.sql be run. TESTRAC OPTION WARNING Database option DV mismatch: PDB PENDING installed version NULL. CDB installed version TESTRAC OPTION WARNING Database option OLS mismatch: PDB PENDING installed version NULL. CDB installed version
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Using DBCA to add 3rd instance on standby database failed
Problem description: Try to use DBCA to add 3rd instance on a standby database, but it faile Cause of problem: While adding 3rd instance on primary database, it created undo,redo, thread information for 3rd instance and the change is propagated to standby. select inst_id, thread#, status, enabled, instance from gv$thread; select group#, thread#, sequence#,status from gv$log; Solution: 1. copy init*** and orapw*** to 3rd node 2. Modify the spfile: alter system set thread=3 scope=spfile sid='xxxx'; (sid is for third instance) alter system set instance_number=3 scope=spfile sid='xxxx'; alter system set undo_tablespace=xxxx scope=spfile sid='xxxx'; alter system set cluster_database_instances=3 scope=spfile 3. Bounce the standy database: 4. Use Sevctl to add 3rd instance and start it.
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